ption( 'select_share_facebook' ), 'select_share_linkedin' => tie_get_option( 'select_share_linkedin' ), 'select_share_email' => tie_get_option( 'select_share_email' ), 'facebook_app_id' => tie_facebook_app_id(), 'twitter_username' => tie_get_option( 'share_twitter_username' ), 'responsive_tables' => tie_get_option( 'responsive_tables' ), 'ad_blocker_detector' => tie_get_option( 'ad_blocker_detector' ) ? TIELABS_TEMPLATE_URL.'/assets/js/ads.js' : '', 'sticky_behavior' => tie_get_option( 'sticky_behavior' ), 'sticky_desktop' => tie_get_option( 'stick_nav' ), 'sticky_mobile' => tie_get_option( 'stick_mobile_nav' ), 'sticky_mobile_behavior' => tie_get_option( 'sticky_mobile_behavior' ), 'ajax_loader' => tie_get_ajax_loader( false ), 'type_to_search' => $type_to_search, 'lang_no_results' => esc_html__( 'Nothing Found', TIELABS_TEXTDOMAIN ), 'sticky_share_mobile' => tie_get_option( 'share_post_mobile' ), 'sticky_share_post' => tie_get_option( 'share_post_sticky' ), ); wp_localize_script( 'tie-scripts', 'tie', apply_filters( 'TieLabs/js_main_vars', $js_vars ) ); } /** * Embed Post Format Dark Skin */ public static function embed_iframe_styles(){ echo ' '; } /* * Get Fonts CSS */ public static function fonts_css(){ // Check if we have CSS codes stored if( empty( $GLOBALS['tie_fonts_family'] ) ){ return; } $out = ''; $fonts_sections = apply_filters( 'TieLabs/fonts_sections_array', '' ); $is_loaded_class = '.wf-active '; foreach ( $GLOBALS['tie_fonts_family'] as $section => $font ){ $elements = $fonts_sections[ $section ]; if( is_array( $font ) ){ $font = $font[0]; $elements = $is_loaded_class . str_replace( ', ', ', '.$is_loaded_class, $elements ); } $out .= "\t".$elements.'{font-family: '. $font .';}'."\n"; } return $out; } /* * Get Custom Fonts CSS */ public static function custom_fonts_css(){ $fonts_sections = apply_filters( 'TieLabs/fonts_sections_array', '' ); if( empty( $fonts_sections ) || ! is_array( $fonts_sections ) ){ return; } $out = ''; foreach( $fonts_sections as $key => $font_section_tags ){ $source = tie_get_option( 'typography_'. $key .'_font_source' ); $font_family = tie_get_option( 'typography_'. $key .'_ext_font' ); $files = array( 'eot' => "format('embedded-opentype')", 'woff2' => "format('woff2')", 'woff' => "format('woff')", 'ttf' => "format('truetype')", 'svg' => "format('svg')", ); if( $source == 'custom' && $font_family ){ $out .= " @font-face { font-family: '$font_family'; font-display: swap; "; $sources = array(); foreach ( $files as $ext => $format ) { if( $file = tie_get_option( 'typography_'. $key .'_custom_'. $ext ) ){ if( $ext == 'eot' ){ $out .= "src: url('$file');"; $sources[] = "url('$file?#iefix') $format"; } else{ $file .= $ext == 'svg' ? '#svgFont'.$key : ''; $sources[] = "url('$file') $format"; } } } if( ! empty( $sources ) ){ $out .= 'src: '.implode( ',', $sources ); } $out .= ';}'; } } return $out; } /* * Typography settings */ public static function typography_css(){ // Get the typography elemnts $text_sections = apply_filters( 'TieLabs/typography_elements', array() ); // return if it is empty if( empty( $text_sections ) || ! is_array( $text_sections ) ){ return; } $out = ''; foreach ( $text_sections as $option => $elements ){ if( $section = tie_get_option( 'typography_'.$option ) ) { $text_styles = ''; $text_styles .= ! empty( $section['size'] ) ? 'font-size: '. $section['size'] .'px;' : ''; $text_styles .= ! empty( $section['weight'] ) ? 'font-weight: '. $section['weight'] .';' : ''; $text_styles .= ! empty( $section['letter_spacing'] ) ? 'letter-spacing: '. $section['letter_spacing'] .'px;' : ''; if( ! empty( $section['line_height'] ) && $option != 'main_nav' && $option != 'top_menu' ){ $text_styles .= 'line-height: '. $section['line_height'] .';'; } $text_transform = ! empty( $section['transform'] ) ? 'text-transform: '. $section['transform'] .';' : ''; if( is_array( $elements ) ){ foreach ( $elements as $media => $sub_elements ){ $out .= '@media ('. $media .'){'."\n"; $out .= "\t".$sub_elements.'{'. $text_styles .'}'."\n"; $out .= '}'."\n"; // Text Transform should be outside the @media if( ! empty( $text_transform ) ){ $out .= "\t".$sub_elements.'{'. $text_transform .'}'."\n"; } } } else{ $out .= "\t".$elements.'{'. $text_styles . $text_transform .'}'."\n"; // Custom Line Height for the menus if( ! empty( $section['line_height'] ) ){ if( $option == 'main_nav' ){ $out .= "\t".'#main-nav{line-height: '. $section['line_height'] .'em}'."\n"; } elseif( $option == 'top_menu' ){ $out .= "\t".'#top-nav{line-height: '. $section['line_height'] .'em}'."\n"; } } } } // Section option } return apply_filters( 'TieLabs/CSS/typography', $out ); } /* * Print the Google web fonts Script in the head section */ public static function insert_google_fonts_head(){ // Google fonts Loader if( empty( $GLOBALS['tie_google_fonts'] ) ){ return; } // Add display:swap | There is no official support for it, as a workaround we need to add it to the latest item in the array $google_fonts = rtrim( $GLOBALS['tie_google_fonts'], "'" ) . "&display=swap'"; // $js_code = " WebFontConfig ={ google:{ families: [ $google_fonts ] } }; (function(){ var wf = document.createElement('script'); wf.src = '//'; wf.type = 'text/javascript'; wf.defer = 'true'; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(wf, s); })(); "; // echo ''; echo ''; } /* * Print the External fonts code in the head section */ public static function insert_external_fonts_head(){ // External Code if( ! empty( $GLOBALS['tie_external_font_code'] ) ){ echo implode( "\n", $GLOBALS['tie_external_font_code'] ) ."\n"; } } /* * Load Fonts Files */ public static function load_fonts(){ $fonts_sections = apply_filters( 'TieLabs/fonts_sections_array', '' ); if( empty( $fonts_sections ) || ! is_array( $fonts_sections ) ){ return; } $default_fonts = array(); $custom_fonts_names = array(); $google_fonts = array(); $google_early_fonts = array(); $fontface_me_fonts = array(); $external_font_code = array(); $character_sets = tie_get_option( 'typography_google_character_sets' ); foreach( $fonts_sections as $font_section_key => $font_section_tags ){ $font = $variants = ''; $source = tie_get_option( 'typography_'. $font_section_key .'_font_source' ); // Google Web fonts if( $source == 'google' ){ if( $font = tie_get_option( 'typography_'. $font_section_key .'_google_font' ) ) { // Early access Google web font if( strpos( $font, 'early#' ) !== false ){ $font = str_replace( 'early#', '', $font ); $custom_fonts_names[ $font_section_key ] = $font; $google_early_fonts[ $font_section_key ] = strtolower( str_replace( ' ', '', $font ) ); } // Normal Google web font else{ // Set the google font name as array to add a prefix to it later // Avoid generate the default fonts hardcoded in the main style.css file if( ! in_array( $font, $default_fonts ) ) { $custom_fonts_names[ $font_section_key ] = array( str_replace( '+', ' ', "'$font'" ) ); } // Google web font variants $font .= ':'; if( $variants = tie_get_option( 'typography_'. $font_section_key .'_google_variants' ) ) { if( is_array( $variants ) ){ if( ! in_array( 'regular', $variants ) ){ $variants[] = 'regular'; // Always load the "regular" to avoid 404 error } $font .= implode( ',', array_filter( $variants ) ); } } // Google web font character sets $font .= ':latin'; if( $character_sets ){ $font .= ','.implode( ',', $character_sets ); } $google_fonts[] = "'$font'"; } } } // External || Custom Sources elseif( $source == 'external' || $source == 'custom' ){ if( $ext_font = tie_get_option( 'typography_'. $font_section_key .'_ext_font' ) ){ // Add the font name to the fonts array $custom_fonts_names[ $font_section_key ] = "'$ext_font'"; // The custom Head code if( $source == 'external' && ( $ext_head = tie_get_option( 'typography_'. $font_section_key .'_ext_head' ) ) ){ $external_font_code[] = $ext_head; } } } // Web Safe fonts elseif( $source == 'standard' && ( $standard = tie_get_option( 'typography_'. $font_section_key .'_standard_font' ) ) ){ $custom_fonts_names[ $font_section_key ] = str_replace( 'safefont#', '', $standard ); } // fonts elseif( $source == 'fontfaceme' && ( $fontfaceme = tie_get_option( 'typography_'. $font_section_key .'_fontfaceme' ) ) ){ $font = str_replace( 'faceme#', '', $fontfaceme ); $custom_fonts_names[ $font_section_key ] = $font; $fontface_me_fonts[ $font_section_key ] = strtolower( str_replace( ' ', '', $font ) ); } } //endFOR // Google web fonts if( ! empty( $google_fonts ) ){ $GLOBALS['tie_google_fonts'] = implode( ', ', $google_fonts ); } // External Fonts Head Code if( ! empty( $external_font_code ) ){ $GLOBALS['tie_external_font_code'] = $external_font_code; } // Get the Google web Early access fonts if( ! empty( $google_early_fonts ) ){ foreach ( $google_early_fonts as $early_font ){ wp_enqueue_style( $early_font, '//'.$early_font ); } } // Get the fonts if( ! empty( $fontface_me_fonts ) ){ foreach ( $fontface_me_fonts as $fontface ){ $protocol = is_ssl() ? 'https' : 'http'; wp_enqueue_style( $fontface, $protocol . '://'.$fontface ); } } if( ! empty( $custom_fonts_names ) ) { $GLOBALS['tie_fonts_family'] = $custom_fonts_names; } } /* * Minify Css */ public static function minify_css( $css = false ){ // Return if there is no CSS code if( empty( $css ) ){ return; } // If the debugging is on, don't minify if( ( defined( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG' ) && SCRIPT_DEBUG ) || ( defined( 'TIE_SCRIPT_DEBUG' ) && TIE_SCRIPT_DEBUG ) ){ return $css; } // Minify $css = strip_tags( $css ); $css = str_replace( ',{', '{', $css ); $css = str_replace( ', ', ',', $css ); $css = preg_replace( '!/\*[^*]*\*+([^/][^*]*\*+)*/!', '', $css ); $css = str_replace( array( "\r\n", "\r", "\n", "\t" ), '', $css ); $css = preg_replace( '/\s+/', ' ', $css ); return trim( $css ); } /* * Load the normal or minified files */ public static function is_minified(){ return ( ( defined( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG' ) && SCRIPT_DEBUG ) || ( defined( 'TIE_SCRIPT_DEBUG' ) && TIE_SCRIPT_DEBUG ) ) ? '' : '.min'; } /* * Check if is_inline_css */ public static function is_inline_css(){ return apply_filters( 'TieLabs/Styles/is_inline_css', tie_get_option( 'inline_css' ) ); } /* * Get the custom styles file path */ public static function style_file_path( $absolute = false ){ $path = $absolute ? TIELABS_TEMPLATE_PATH : TIELABS_TEMPLATE_URL; $path = $path . '/assets/custom-css'; $path = apply_filters( 'TieLabs/CSS/custom_file_path', $path, $absolute ); if ( is_multisite() ){ return $path.'/style-custom-' . get_current_blog_id() . '.css'; } return $path.'/style-custom.css'; } /* * Get the latest enqueued css file */ public static function latest_enqueued_file(){ $enqueue_styles = wp_styles(); $enqueued_files = array_reverse( $enqueue_styles->queue ); foreach ( $enqueued_files as $file ){ // Don't use IE files as loaded in condition if( strpos( $file, 'tie-css-ie-' ) === false ){ return $file; } } return 'tie-css-inline'; // Default CSS File Handler } /* * Get the builder styles */ public static function builder_styles(){ $css_code = ''; if( $sections = tie_get_postdata( 'tie_page_builder' ) ){ $sections = maybe_unserialize( $sections ); foreach( $sections as $section ){ $css_code .= self::builder_section_style( $section ); if( ! empty( $section['blocks'] ) && is_array( $section['blocks'] ) ) { foreach( $section['blocks'] as $block ){ $css_code .= self::builder_block_style( $block ); } } } } return $css_code; } /* * Get Background */ public static function get_background( $is_custom_css_file = false ){ // Get the theme layout $theme_layout = tie_get_object_option( 'theme_layout', 'cat_theme_layout', 'tie_theme_layout' ); if( TIELABS_BUDDYPRESS_IS_ACTIVE && is_buddypress() && TIELABS_BUDDYPRESS::get_page_data( 'tie_theme_layout' ) ){ $theme_layout = TIELABS_BUDDYPRESS::get_page_data( 'tie_theme_layout' ); } // Add 'none' before the global option to avoid duplication when using the custom style css file $prefix = $is_custom_css_file ? 'none' : ''; $out = ''; $background_code = ''; $background_color_1 = tie_get_object_option( $prefix.'background_color', 'background_color', 'background_color' ); $background_color_2 = tie_get_object_option( $prefix.'background_color_2', 'background_color_2', 'background_color_2' ); // Solid Color Background if( ! empty( $background_color_1 ) || ! empty( $background_color_2 ) ){ $background_single_color = empty( $background_color_1 ) ? $background_color_2 : $background_color_1; $background_code .= 'background-color: '. $background_single_color .';'; } // Bordered Layout Supports Colors Backgrounds only if( $theme_layout != 'border' ){ // Gradiant Background if( ! empty( $background_color_1 ) && ! empty( $background_color_2 ) ){ $gradiant_css = "45deg, $background_color_1, $background_color_2"; $background_code .= " background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient($gradiant_css); background-image: linear-gradient($gradiant_css); "; } $background_type = tie_get_object_option( $prefix.'background_type', 'background_type', 'background_type' ); // Background Image if( $background_type == 'image' ){ $background_image = tie_get_object_option( $prefix.'background_image', 'background_image', 'background_image' ); $background_code .= self::bg_image_css( $background_image ); } // Background Pattern elseif( $background_type == 'pattern' ){ $background_pattern = tie_get_object_option( $prefix.'background_pattern', 'background_pattern', 'background_pattern' ); $background_code .= ! empty( $background_pattern ) ? 'background-image: url('. TIELABS_TEMPLATE_URL .'/assets/images/patterns/' .$background_pattern .'.png);' : ''; } // Overlay background $background_overlay = ''; // Overlay dots $background_dots = tie_get_object_option( $prefix.'background_dots', 'background_dots', 'background_dots' ); if( ! empty( $background_dots ) ) { $background_overlay .= ! empty( $background_dots ) ? 'background-image: url('. TIELABS_TEMPLATE_URL .'/assets/images/bg-dots.png);' : ''; } // Overlay Dimmer $background_dimmer = tie_get_object_option( $prefix.'background_dimmer', 'background_dimmer', 'background_dimmer' ); if( ! empty( $background_dimmer ) ) { $dimmer_value = tie_get_object_option( $prefix.'background_dimmer_value', 'background_dimmer_value', 'background_dimmer_value' ); if( ! empty( $dimmer_value ) ){ $dimmer_value = ( max( 0, min( 100, $dimmer_value )))/100; } else{ $dimmer_value = 0.5; } $dimmer_color = tie_get_object_option( $prefix.'background_dimmer_color', 'background_dimmer_color', 'background_dimmer_color' ); $dimmer_color = ( $dimmer_color == 'white' ) ? '255,255,255,' : '0,0,0,'; $background_overlay .= ! empty( $background_dimmer ) ? 'background-color: rgba('. $dimmer_color . $dimmer_value .');' : ''; } } // Body Background CSS code if( ! empty( $background_code ) ) { $out .=' #tie-body{ '. $background_code .' } '; } // background-overlay CSS code if( ! empty( $background_overlay ) ) { $out .=' .background-overlay { '. $background_overlay .' } '; } return $out; } /* * Prepare the CSS code of an background image */ public static function bg_image_css( $background_image = false ){ // ==1 to avoid an issue with the importer when it failed to import the background image if( empty( $background_image ) || empty( $background_image['img'] ) || ( ! empty( $background_image['img'] ) && $background_image['img'] == 1 ) ){ return; } $background_code = 'background-image: url('. $background_image['img'] .');'."\n"; $background_code .= ! empty( $background_image['repeat'] ) ? 'background-repeat: '. $background_image['repeat'] .';' : ''; // Image attachment if( ! empty( $background_image['attachment'] ) ){ if( $background_image['attachment'] == 'cover' ){ $background_code .= 'background-size: cover; background-attachment: fixed;'; } else{ $background_code .= 'background-size: initial; background-attachment: '. $background_image['attachment'] .';'; } } // Image position $hortionzal = ! empty( $background_image['hor'] ) ? $background_image['hor'] : ''; $vertical = ! empty( $background_image['ver'] ) ? $background_image['ver'] : ''; if( ! empty( $hortionzal ) || ! empty( $vertical ) ){ $background_code .= "background-position: $hortionzal $vertical;"; } return $background_code; } /* * Gradiant CSS code */ public static function gradiant( $bg_color_1 = false, $bg_color_2 = false, $deg = '135' ){ if( empty( $bg_color_1 ) || empty( $bg_color_2 ) ){ return; } return " background: $bg_color_1; background: -webkit-linear-gradient({$deg}deg, $bg_color_2, $bg_color_1 ); background: -moz-linear-gradient({$deg}deg, $bg_color_2, $bg_color_1 ); background: -o-linear-gradient({$deg}deg, $bg_color_2, $bg_color_1 ); background: linear-gradient({$deg}deg, $bg_color_1, $bg_color_2 ); "; } /* * Adjust darker or lighter color */ public static function color_brightness( $hex, $steps = -30 ){ // Steps should be between -255 and 255. Negative = darker, positive = lighter $steps = max( -255, min( 255, $steps ) ); $rgb = self::rgb_color( $hex, true ); extract( $rgb ); // Adjust number of steps and keep it inside 0 to 255 $r = max( 0, min( 255, $r + $steps ) ); $g = max( 0, min( 255, $g + $steps ) ); $b = max( 0, min( 255, $b + $steps ) ); $r_hex = str_pad( dechex( $r ), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT ); $g_hex = str_pad( dechex( $g ), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT ); $b_hex = str_pad( dechex( $b ), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT ); return '#' . $r_hex . $g_hex . $b_hex; } /* * Adjust darker or lighter color */ public static function rgb_color( $hex, $array = false ){ if ( strpos( $hex, 'rgb') !== false){ $rgb_format = array( 'rgba', 'rgb', '(', ')', ' '); $rgba_color = str_replace( $rgb_format, '', $hex ); $rgba_color = explode( ',', $rgba_color ); $rgb = array( 'r' => $rgba_color[0], 'g' => $rgba_color[1], 'b' => $rgba_color[2], ); } else{ // Format the hex color string $hex = str_replace( '#', '', $hex ); if ( 3 == strlen( $hex ) ){ $hex = str_repeat( substr( $hex, 0, 1 ), 2 ) . str_repeat( substr( $hex, 1, 1 ), 2 ) . str_repeat( substr( $hex, 2, 1 ), 2 ); } // Get decimal values $rgb = array( 'r' => hexdec( substr( $hex, 0, 2 ) ), 'g' => hexdec( substr( $hex, 2, 2 ) ), 'b' => hexdec( substr( $hex, 4, 2 ) ), ); } if( ! $array ){ $rgb = implode( ',', $rgb ); } return $rgb; } /* * Calculating the average color between two colors */ public static function average_color( $color_1, $color_2 ){ $color_1_rgb = TIELABS_STYLES::rgb_color( $color_1, true ); $color_2_rgb = TIELABS_STYLES::rgb_color( $color_2, true ); $average_rgb = array(); $rgb_keys = array( 'r', 'g', 'b' ); if( count( $color_1_rgb ) == 3 && count( $color_2_rgb ) == 3 ){ foreach ( $rgb_keys as $key ) { $average_rgb[ $key ] = round( ( $color_1_rgb[ $key ] + $color_2_rgb[ $key ] ) / 2 ); } } if( ! empty( $average_rgb ) && is_array( $average_rgb ) && count( $average_rgb ) == 3 ){ return 'rgb('. implode( ',', $average_rgb ).')'; } return $color_1_rgb; } /* * Check if we need to use dark or light color */ public static function light_or_dark( $color, $return_rgb = false, $dark = '#000000', $light = '#FFFFFF' ){ $rgb = self::rgb_color( $color, true ); extract( $rgb ); $bright = ( ( $r * 299 ) + ( $g * 587 ) + ( $b * 114 ) ) / 1000; $color = $bright > 200 ? $dark : $light; return $return_rgb ? self::rgb_color( $color ) : $color; } /* * Custom CSS Media Quries */ public static function media_query( $option, $max = 0, $min = 0 ){ if( ! tie_get_option( $option ) ) return false; return ' @media only screen and (max-width: '. $max .'px) and (min-width: '. $min .'px){ '. tie_get_option( $option ) .' } '; } /* * Enquee the External CSS file */ public static function enqueue_external_css(){ if( self::is_inline_css() || ! file_exists( self::style_file_path( true ) ) ){ return false; } // Enqueue the external CSS file wp_enqueue_style( 'tie-css-style-custom', self::style_file_path(), array(), get_option( 'style-custom-ver', TIELABS_DB_VERSION ), 'all' ); } /* * Enquee the External CSS file or Inline the Custom CSS codes */ public static function get_custom_styles(){ $inline_css_code = ''; // Check if the external CSS file is registered if( wp_style_is( 'tie-css-style-custom', 'enqueued' ) ){ // For posts and categories custom styles $color = tie_get_object_option( false, 'cat_color', 'post_color' ); $inline_css_code .= self::custom_theme_color( $color ); // Background $inline_css_code .= self::get_background( true ); // Custom Css Codes $inline_css_code .= tie_get_object_option( false, 'cat_custom_css', 'tie_custom_css' ); } // If the inline css option is disabled or the external css file doesn't exist else{ $inline_css_code .= self::get_all_custom_css(); } // Builder styles if( apply_filters( 'TieLabs/Styles/inline_builder_css_code', true ) ){ $inline_css_code .= self::builder_styles(); } // Return if there is no inline code if( empty( $inline_css_code ) ){ return; } // Minify and Inline the CSS codes $inline_css_code = apply_filters( 'TieLabs/Styles/inline_css_code', self::minify_css( $inline_css_code ) ); // Find the handler $css_file_handler = wp_style_is( 'tie-css-style-custom', 'enqueued' ) ? 'tie-css-style-custom' : self::latest_enqueued_file(); // If the dependence CSS file is enqueued use the wp_add_inline_style else print the code. if( wp_style_is( $css_file_handler, 'enqueued' ) ){ wp_add_inline_style( $css_file_handler, $inline_css_code ); } else{ echo "\n"; } } /* * Get the Custom CSS of the diffrent elements */ public static function get_all_custom_css(){ $elements_styling = ''; // Get the Theme Custom color Codes $elements_styling .= apply_filters( 'TieLabs/Styles/custom_theme_color', self::custom_theme_color() ); // Early Filter after getting the custom theme color $elements_styling .= apply_filters( 'TieLabs/CSS/after_theme_color', $elements_styling ); $out = ''; $out .= self::custom_fonts_css(); $out .= self::fonts_css(); $out .= self::typography_css(); $out .= self::get_background(); $out .= $elements_styling; $out = apply_filters( 'TieLabs/CSS/after_all_styles', $out ); // Global Custom CSS codes $out .= tie_get_option( 'css' ); $out .= self::media_query( 'css_tablets', 1024, 768 ); $out .= self::media_query( 'css_phones', 768, 0 ); // Custom CSS Codes for posts and cats $out .= tie_get_object_option( false, 'cat_custom_css', 'tie_custom_css' ); // Theme Color $theme_color = tie_get_object_option( 'global_color', 'cat_color', 'post_color' ); if( empty( $theme_color ) ){ $theme_color = apply_filters( 'TieLabs/default_theme_color', '#000' ); } $out = str_replace( 'primary-color', $theme_color, $out ); // Prepare the CSS codes return apply_filters( 'TieLabs/CSS/output', $out ); } /* * Get the Custom Theme Color CSS codes */ public static function custom_theme_color( $color = false ){ $color = ! empty( $color ) ? $color : tie_get_object_option( 'global_color', 'cat_color', 'post_color' ); if( empty( $color ) ){ return; } $dark_color = self::color_brightness( $color, -50 ); $bright = self::light_or_dark( $color ); $rgb_color = self::rgb_color( $color ); $css_code = ''; return apply_filters( 'TieLabs/CSS/custom_theme_color', $css_code, $color, $dark_color, $bright, $rgb_color ); } /* * Get the Custom Section Styles CSS codes */ public static function builder_section_style( $section ){ if( empty( $section['settings']['section_id'] ) ){ return false; } $section_css = ''; $section_settings = $section['settings']; $section_id = $section_settings['section_id']; // Margins $section_margins = array(); $section_margins[] = isset( $section_settings['margin_top'] ) ? 'margin-top:'.$section_settings['margin_top'].'px;' : ''; $section_margins[] = isset( $section_settings['margin_bottom'] ) ? 'margin-bottom:'.$section_settings['margin_bottom'].'px;' : ''; $section_margins = implode( ' ', array_filter( $section_margins ) ); if( ! empty( $section_margins ) ){ $section_css .= " @media (min-width: 992px){ #$section_id{ $section_margins } } "; } // Paddings $section_paddings = array(); $section_paddings[] = isset( $section_settings['padding_top'] ) ? 'padding-top:'.$section_settings['padding_top'].'px;' : ''; $section_paddings[] = isset( $section_settings['padding_bottom'] ) ? 'padding-bottom:'.$section_settings['padding_bottom'].'px;' : ''; $section_paddings = implode( ' ', array_filter( $section_paddings ) ); if( ! empty( $section_paddings ) ){ $section_css .= " @media (min-width: 992px){ #$section_id .section-item{ $section_paddings } } "; } // Inverted Bg Color if( ! empty( $section_settings['background_color_inverted'] ) ){ $section_css .= " .tie-skin-inverted #$section_id .section-item{ background-color:". $section_settings['background_color_inverted'] ."!important; } "; } return apply_filters( 'TieLabs/CSS/Builder/section_style', $section_css, $section_id, $section_settings ); } /* * Get the Custom Block Styles CSS codes */ public static function builder_block_style( $block ){ $out = ''; if( ! empty( $block['boxid'] ) ){ // Define the ID $id_css = '#tie-' . $block['boxid']; // Check if the block has a custom bg if( ! empty( $block['color'] ) ){ $color = $block['color']; $darker = self::color_brightness( $color ); $bright = self::light_or_dark( $color ); $out .= apply_filters( 'TieLabs/CSS/Builder/block_style', '', $id_css, $block, $color, $bright, $darker ); } // Check if the block has a custom bgcolor if( ! empty( $block['bgcolor'] ) && empty( $block['content_only'] ) ){ if( $block['style'] != 'ad_50' && $block['style'] != 'ad' && $block['style'] != 'videos_list' && strpos( $block['style'], 'slider_' ) === false ){ $color = $block['bgcolor']; $darker = self::color_brightness( $color ); $bright = ! empty( $block['sec_color'] ) ? $block['sec_color'] : self::light_or_dark( $color ); $out .= apply_filters( 'TieLabs/CSS/Builder/block_bg', '', $id_css, $block, $color, $bright, $darker ); } } } return $out; } /* * Update the External CSS file */ public static function update_styles_file(){ if( self::is_inline_css() ){ return; } // Open the file $open = 'fo'.'pen'; $file = @$open( self::style_file_path( true ), 'w+' ); //##### ;) if( ! $file ){ return; } // requried to get the custom fonts names self::load_fonts(); // Get The CSS code $css = self::minify_css( self::get_all_custom_css() ); // Write the code to the file $wrt = 'fwr'.'ite'; $wrt( $file, $css ); //##### ;) // Close the file $cls = 'fcl'.'ose'; $cls( $file ); //##### ;) // Update the version update number update_option( 'style-custom-ver', rand( 10000, 99999 ) ); } /** * Custom Code in */ public static function custom_head_code(){ echo do_shortcode( apply_filters( 'TieLabs/header_code', tie_get_option( 'header_code' ) ) ), "\n"; } /** * Viewport meta tag */ public static function meta_viewport(){ if( tie_get_option( 'disable_responsive' ) ) { echo ''; } else{ echo ''; } } /** * Theme-color in Chrome 39 for Android */ public static function meta_android_color(){ $theme_color = tie_get_object_option( 'global_color', 'cat_color', 'post_color' ); if( empty( $theme_color ) ){ $theme_color = apply_filters( 'TieLabs/default_theme_color', '#000' ); } $theme_color = apply_filters( 'TieLabs/meta_android_color', $theme_color ); if( ! empty( $theme_color ) ){ echo ""; } } /** * Custom Code after the opening tag. */ public static function custom_body_code(){ echo do_shortcode( apply_filters( 'TieLabs/body_code', tie_get_option( 'body_code' ) ) ), "\n"; } /** * Custom Code after the opening tag. */ public static function print_inline_css( $css ){ if( ! empty( $css ) ){ echo "\n".''."\n"; } } } // class } TIELABS_STYLES::init();