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color: $bright; } .tie-weather-widget .widget-title .the-subtitle, .block-head-4.magazine2 #footer .tabs .active a:hover{ color: $bright; } "; /* * border-color */ $css_code .=" pre, code, .pages-numbers li.current span, .theme-header .header-nav .comp-sub-menu a.button.guest-btn:hover, .multiple-post-pages > span, .post-content-slideshow .tie-slider-nav li span:hover, #tie-body .tie-slider-nav li > span:hover, .slider-arrow-nav a:not(.pagination-disabled):hover, .main-nav .mega-menu.mega-cat .cats-horizontal li a.is-active, .main-nav .mega-menu.mega-cat .cats-horizontal li a:hover, .main-menu .menu > li > .menu-sub-content{ border-color: $color; } .main-menu .menu > li.tie-current-menu{ border-bottom-color: $color; } .top-nav .menu li.tie-current-menu > a:before, .top-nav .menu li.menu-item-has-children:hover > a:before{ border-top-color: $color; } .main-nav .main-menu .menu > li.tie-current-menu > a:before, .main-nav .main-menu .menu > li:hover > a:before{ border-top-color: $bright; } header.main-nav-light .main-nav .menu-item-has-children li:hover > a:before, header.main-nav-light .main-nav .mega-menu li:hover > a:before{ border-left-color: $color; } .rtl header.main-nav-light .main-nav .menu-item-has-children li:hover > a:before, .rtl header.main-nav-light .main-nav .mega-menu li:hover > a:before{ border-right-color: $color; border-left-color: transparent; } .top-nav ul.menu li .menu-item-has-children:hover > a:before{ border-top-color: transparent; border-left-color: $color; } .rtl .top-nav ul.menu li .menu-item-has-children:hover > a:before{ border-left-color: transparent; border-right-color: $color; } "; /** * Footer Border Top */ if( tie_get_option( 'footer_border_top' ) ) { $css_code .=" #footer-widgets-container{ border-top: 8px solid $color; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 -5px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.07); -moz-box-shadow: 0 -8px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.07); box-shadow: 0 -8px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.07); } "; } /** * Misc */ $css_code .=" ::-moz-selection{ background-color: $color; color: $bright; } ::selection{ background-color: $color; color: $bright; } circle.circle_bar{ stroke: $color; } #reading-position-indicator{ box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba( $rgb_color, 0.7); } "; /** * Dark Color */ $css_code .=" #logo.text-logo a:hover, body .entry a:hover, .dark-skin body .entry a:hover, .comment-list .comment-content a:hover, .block-head-4.magazine2 .site-footer .tabs li a:hover, q a:hover, blockquote a:hover{ color: $dark_color; } "; /** * Dark Background-color */ $css_code .=" .button:hover, input[type='submit']:hover, .generic-button a:hover, .generic-button button:hover, a.post-cat:hover, .site-footer .button:hover, .site-footer [type='submit']:hover, .search-in-main-nav.autocomplete-suggestions a.button:hover, .search-in-top-nav.autocomplete-suggestions a.button:hover, .theme-header .header-nav .comp-sub-menu a.checkout-button:hover{ background-color: $dark_color; color: $bright; } .theme-header .header-nav .comp-sub-menu a.checkout-button:not(:hover), body .entry a.button{ color: $bright; } #story-index.is-compact .story-index-content{ background-color: $color; } #story-index.is-compact .story-index-content a, #story-index.is-compact .story-index-content .is-current{ color: $bright; } "; /** * BuddyPress */ if ( TIELABS_BUDDYPRESS_IS_ACTIVE ){ $css_code .=" @media screen and (min-width: 46.8em){ .bp-dir-hori-nav:not(.bp-vertical-navs) .bp-navs.main-navs ul li a:hover, .bp-dir-hori-nav:not(.bp-vertical-navs) .bp-navs.main-navs ul li.selected a, .bp-dir-hori-nav:not(.bp-vertical-navs) .bp-navs.main-navs ul li.current a, .bp-single-vert-nav .item-body:not(#group-create-body) #subnav:not(.tabbed-links) li.current a, .bp-single-vert-nav .bp-navs.vertical li.selected a, .bp-dir-vert-nav .dir-navs ul li.selected a{ color: $color; } } .buddypress-wrap .bp-subnavs li.selected a, .buddypress-wrap .bp-subnavs li.current a, .activity-list .activity-item .activity-meta.action .unfav:before, .buddypress-wrap .profile .profile-fields .label, .buddypress-wrap .profile.edit .button-nav li a:hover, .buddypress-wrap .profile.edit .button-nav li.current a, #message-threads li.selected .thread-subject .subject, .buddypress .buddypress-wrap .text-links-list a.button:focus, .buddypress .buddypress-wrap .text-links-list a.button:hover, .bp-dir-hori-nav:not(.bp-vertical-navs) .bp-navs.main-navs ul li a:hover, .bp-dir-hori-nav:not(.bp-vertical-navs) .bp-navs.main-navs ul li.selected a, .bp-dir-hori-nav:not(.bp-vertical-navs) .bp-navs.main-navs ul li.current a, #group-create-tabs:not(.tabbed-links) li.current a{ color: $color; } #group-create-tabs:not(.tabbed-links) li.current a:hover{ color: $dark_color; } .buddypress-wrap .profile .profile-fields .label:before, .buddypress-wrap .bp-pagination .bp-pagination-links .current{ background: $color } .bp-navs ul li .count, .buddypress-wrap .activity-list .load-more a, .buddypress-wrap .activity-list .load-newest a, .buddypress-wrap #compose-personal-li a, .buddypress #buddypress.bp-dir-hori-nav .create-button a{ background: $color; color: $bright; } buddypress-wrap #compose-personal-li a:hover, buddypress-wrap .activity-list .load-more a:hover, buddypress-wrap .activity-list .load-newest a:hover{ background: $dark_color; } .widget.buddypress .item-options a.selected:not(.loading){ background: $color; border-color: $color; color: $bright !important; } "; } /** * WooCommerce */ if ( TIELABS_WOOCOMMERCE_IS_ACTIVE ){ $css_code .=" .woocommerce div.product span.price, .woocommerce div.product p.price, .woocommerce div.product div.summary .product_meta > span, .woocommerce div.product div.summary .product_meta > span a:hover, .woocommerce ul.products li.product .price ins, .woocommerce .woocommerce-pagination ul.page-numbers li a.current, .woocommerce .woocommerce-pagination ul.page-numbers li a:hover, .woocommerce .woocommerce-pagination ul.page-numbers li span.current, .woocommerce .woocommerce-pagination ul.page-numbers li span:hover, .woocommerce .widget_rating_filter ul li.chosen a, .woocommerce-MyAccount-navigation ul li.is-active a{ color: $color; } .woocommerce span.new, .woocommerce a.button.alt, .woocommerce button.button.alt, .woocommerce input.button.alt, .woocommerce a.button.alt.disabled, .woocommerce a.button.alt:disabled, .woocommerce a.button.alt:disabled[disabled], .woocommerce a.button.alt.disabled:hover, .woocommerce a.button.alt:disabled:hover, .woocommerce a.button.alt:disabled[disabled]:hover, .woocommerce button.button.alt.disabled, .woocommerce button.button.alt:disabled, .woocommerce button.button.alt:disabled[disabled], .woocommerce button.button.alt.disabled:hover, .woocommerce button.button.alt:disabled:hover, .woocommerce button.button.alt:disabled[disabled]:hover, .woocommerce input.button.alt.disabled, .woocommerce input.button.alt:disabled, .woocommerce input.button.alt:disabled[disabled], .woocommerce input.button.alt.disabled:hover, .woocommerce input.button.alt:disabled:hover, .woocommerce input.button.alt:disabled[disabled]:hover, .woocommerce .widget_price_filter .ui-slider .ui-slider-range{ background-color: $color; color: $bright; } .woocommerce div.product #product-images-slider-nav .tie-slick-slider .slide.slick-current img{ border-color: $color; } .woocommerce a.button:hover, .woocommerce button.button:hover, .woocommerce input.button:hover, .woocommerce a.button.alt:hover, .woocommerce button.button.alt:hover, .woocommerce input.button.alt:hover{ background-color: $dark_color; } "; } return $css_code; } } /* * Check if the Main or Top Nav * have the same color of the Primary Menu * And add some color fixes */ if( ! function_exists( 'jannah_theme_color_fix_menus_colors' ) ) { add_filter( 'TieLabs/CSS/custom_theme_color', 'jannah_theme_color_fix_menus_colors', 7, 5 ); function jannah_theme_color_fix_menus_colors( $css_code, $color, $dark_color, $bright, $rgb_color ){ // Main Nav if( ( $color == tie_get_option( 'main_nav_background' ) ) && ! tie_get_option( 'main_nav_links_color' ) ){ $hover_and_active = tie_get_option( 'main_nav_links_color_hover' ); $css_code .=" #main-nav ul.menu > li.tie-current-menu > a, #main-nav ul.menu > li:hover > a, #main-nav .spinner > div, .main-menu .mega-links-head:after{ background-color: $hover_and_active !important; } #main-nav a, #main-nav .dropdown-social-icons li a span, .search-in-main-nav.autocomplete-suggestions a { color: $bright !important; } #main-nav .main-menu ul.menu > li.tie-current-menu, #theme-header nav .menu > li > .menu-sub-content{ border-color: $hover_and_active; } #main-nav .spinner-circle:after{ color: $hover_and_active !important; } .main-nav-light #main-nav .menu-item-has-children li:hover > a:before, .main-nav-light #main-nav .mega-menu li:hover > a:before{ border-left-color: $bright !important; } .rtl .main-nav-light #main-nav .menu-item-has-children li:hover > a:before, .rtl .main-nav-light #main-nav .mega-menu li:hover > a:before{ border-right-color: $bright !important; border-left-color: transparent !important; } "; } // Top Nav if( ( $color == tie_get_option( 'secondry_nav_background' ) ) && ! tie_get_option( 'topbar_links_color' ) ){ $css_code .=" #top-nav a{ color: $bright; } #top-nav .tie-current-menu > a:before, #top-nav .menu .menu-item-has-children:hover > a:before{ border-top-color: $bright !important; } #top-nav .menu li .menu-item-has-children:hover > a:before{ border-top-color: transparent !important; border-left-color: $bright !important; } .rtl #top-nav .menu li .menu-item-has-children:hover > a:before{ border-left-color: transparent !important; border-right-color: $bright !important; } "; } return $css_code; } } /* * Blocks Head Colors */ if( ! function_exists( 'tie_blocks_head' ) ) { add_filter( 'TieLabs/CSS/custom_theme_color', 'tie_blocks_head', 10, 5 ); function tie_blocks_head( $css_code, $color, $dark_color, $bright, $rgb_color ){ // Theme Blocks style $block_style = tie_get_option( 'blocks_style', 1 ); //Style #1 / #2 / #3 if( $block_style <= 3 ){ $css_code .= " #tie-body .mag-box-title h3 a, #tie-body .block-more-button{ color: $color; } #tie-body .mag-box-title h3 a:hover, #tie-body .block-more-button:hover{ color: $dark_color; } "; } // Style #1 if( $block_style == 1 ){ $css_code .= " #tie-body .mag-box-title{ color: $color; } #tie-body .mag-box-title:before{ border-top-color: $color; } #tie-body .mag-box-title:after, #tie-body #footer .widget-title:after{ background-color: $color; } "; } // Style #2 elseif( $block_style == 2 ){ $css_code .= " #tie-body .the-global-title, #tie-body .comment-reply-title, #tie-body .related.products > h2, #tie-body .up-sells > h2, #tie-body .cross-sells > h2, #tie-body .cart_totals > h2, #tie-body .bbp-form legend{ border-color: $color; color: $color; } #tie-body #footer .widget-title:after{ background-color: $color; } "; } // Style #3 elseif( $block_style == 3 ){ $css_code .= " #tie-body .mag-box-title{ color: $color; } #tie-body .mag-box-title:after, #tie-body #footer .widget-title:after{ background-color: $color; } "; } // Style #4 || #5 || #6 elseif( $block_style <= 6 ){ $css_code .= " #tie-body .has-block-head-4, #tie-body .mag-box-title h3, #tie-body .comment-reply-title, #tie-body .related.products > h2, #tie-body .up-sells > h2, #tie-body .cross-sells > h2, #tie-body .cart_totals > h2, #tie-body .bbp-form legend, #tie-body .mag-box-title h3 a, #tie-body .section-title-default a, #tie-body #cancel-comment-reply-link { color: $bright; } #tie-body .has-block-head-4:before, #tie-body .mag-box-title h3:before, #tie-body .comment-reply-title:before, #tie-body .related.products > h2:before, #tie-body .up-sells > h2:before, #tie-body .cross-sells > h2:before, #tie-body .cart_totals > h2:before, #tie-body .bbp-form legend:before { background-color: $color; } #tie-body .block-more-button{ color: $color; } #tie-body .block-more-button:hover{ color: $dark_color; } "; if( $block_style == 6 ){ $css_code .= " #tie-body .has-block-head-4:after, #tie-body .mag-box-title h3:after, #tie-body .comment-reply-title:after, #tie-body .related.products > h2:after, #tie-body .up-sells > h2:after, #tie-body .cross-sells > h2:after, #tie-body .cart_totals > h2:after, #tie-body .bbp-form legend:after{ background-color: $color; } "; } // Magazine 2 if( tie_get_option( 'boxes_style' ) == 2 ){ $css_code .= " #tie-body .tabs, #tie-body .tabs .flexMenu-popup{ border-color: $color; } #tie-body .tabs li a{ color: $color; } #tie-body .tabs li a:hover{ color: $dark_color; 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color: $color; } #tie-body .slider-arrow-nav a{ border-color: rgba($bright ,0.2); color: $bright; } #tie-body .mag-box-title a.pagination-disabled, #tie-body .mag-box-title a.pagination-disabled:hover{ color: $bright !important; } #tie-body .slider-arrow-nav a:not(.pagination-disabled):hover{ background-color: $bright; border-color: $bright; color: $color; } "; } // Style #8 elseif( $block_style == 8 ){ $css_code .=" #tie-body .the-global-title:before, #tie-body .comment-reply-title:before, #tie-body .related.products > h2:before, #tie-body .up-sells > h2:before, #tie-body .cross-sells > h2:before, #tie-body .cart_totals > h2:before, #tie-body .bbp-form legend:before{ background-color: $color; } "; } // Style #10 elseif( $block_style == 10 ){ $css_code .= " #tie-body .has-block-head-4:after, #tie-body .mag-box-title h3:after, #tie-body .comment-reply-title:after, #tie-body .related.products > h2:after, #tie-body .up-sells > h2:after, #tie-body .cross-sells > h2:after, #tie-body .cart_totals > h2:after, #tie-body .bbp-form legend:after{ background-color: $color; } "; } // Style #11 elseif( $block_style == 11 ){ $direction = is_rtl() ? 'right' : 'left'; $css_code .=" #tie-body .has-block-head-4:after, #tie-body .mag-box-title h3:after, #tie-body .comment-reply-title:after, #tie-body .related.products > h2:after, #tie-body .up-sells > h2:after, #tie-body .cross-sells > h2:after, #tie-body .cart_totals > h2:after, #tie-body .bbp-form legend:after { border-$direction-color: $color; } "; } return $css_code; } } /** * Set Sections Custom Styles */ if( ! function_exists( 'jannah_section_custom_styles' ) ) { add_filter( 'TieLabs/CSS/Builder/section_style', 'jannah_section_custom_styles', 10, 3 ); function jannah_section_custom_styles( $section_css, $section_id, $section_settings ){ // Section Head Styles if( ! empty( $section_settings['section_title'] ) && ! empty( $section_settings['title'] ) && ! empty( $section_settings['title_color'] ) ) { $block_style = tie_get_option( 'blocks_style', 1 ); $color = $section_settings['title_color']; $darker = TIELABS_STYLES::color_brightness( $color ); $bright = TIELABS_STYLES::light_or_dark( $color ); $selector = "#$section_id .section-title"; // Centered Style if( ! empty( $section_settings['title_style'] ) && $section_settings['title_style'] == 'centered' ){ $section_css .= " $selector, $selector a{ color: $color; } $selector a:hover{ color: $darker; } #$section_id .section-title-centered:before, #$section_id .section-title-centered:after{ background-color: $color; } "; } // Big Style elseif( ! empty( $section_settings['title_style'] ) && $section_settings['title_style'] == 'big' ){ $section_css .= " $selector, $selector a{ color: $color; } $selector a:hover{ color: $darker; } "; } // Default Style elseif( empty( $section_settings['title_style'] ) ){ $selector = "#$section_id .section-title-default"; /* Style #1 */ if( $block_style == 1 ){ $section_css .= " $selector, $selector a{ color: $color; } $selector a:hover{ color: $darker; } $selector:before{ border-top-color: $color; } $selector:after{ background-color: $color; } "; } /* Style #2 */ if( $block_style == 2 ){ $section_css .= " $selector, $selector a{ border-color: $color; color: $color; } $selector a:hover{ color: $darker; } "; } /* Style #3 */ elseif( $block_style == 3 ){ $section_css .= " $selector, $selector a{ color: $color; } $selector a:hover{ color: $darker; } $selector:after { background: $color; } "; } /* Style #4 || #5 || #6 */ elseif( $block_style == 4 || $block_style == 5 || $block_style == 6 ){ $section_css .= " $selector, $selector a{ color: $bright; } $selector:before{ background-color: $color; } "; /* Style #6 */ if( $block_style == 6 ){ $section_css .= " $selector:after{ background-color: $color; } "; } } /* Style #7 */ elseif( $block_style == 7 ){ $section_css .= " $selector{ background-color: $color; color: $bright; } $selector a{ color: $bright; } $selector:after{ background-color: $bright; } "; } /* Style #8 */ elseif( $block_style == 8 ){ $section_css .= " $selector:before{ background-color: $color; } $selector a:hover{ color: $color; } "; } } } // Block 16 and 12 title section color if( tie_get_option( 'boxes_style' ) == 2 && ! empty( $section_settings['background_color'] ) ){ $color = $section_settings['background_color']; $bright = TIELABS_STYLES::light_or_dark( $color ); $section_css .= " #$section_id .full-overlay-title li:not(.no-post-thumb) .block-title-overlay{ background-color: $color; } #$section_id .full-overlay-title li:not(.no-post-thumb) .block-title-overlay .post-meta, #$section_id .full-overlay-title li:not(.no-post-thumb) .block-title-overlay a:not(:hover){ color: $bright; } #$section_id .full-overlay-title li:not(.no-post-thumb) .block-title-overlay .post-meta{ opacity: 0.80; } "; } return $section_css; } } /* * Set Custom color for the blocks */ if( ! function_exists( 'jannah_block_custom_bg' ) ) { add_filter( 'TieLabs/CSS/Builder/block_bg', 'jannah_block_custom_bg', 10, 6 ); function jannah_block_custom_bg( $block_css, $id_css, $block, $color, $bright, $darker ){ if( $color == $darker ){ $darker = TIELABS_STYLES::color_brightness( $color, 30 ); } /* $id_css .trending-post.tie-icon-bolt{ color: $bright; } */ // Default Blocks Head Style $block_style = tie_get_option( 'blocks_style', 1 ); $block_css = " $id_css{ color: $bright; } $id_css .container-wrapper, $id_css .flexMenu-popup, $id_css.full-overlay-title li:not(.no-post-thumb) .block-title-overlay{ background-color: $color; } $id_css .slider-arrow-nav a:not(:hover), $id_css .pagination-disabled, $id_css .pagination-disabled:hover{ color: $bright !important; } $id_css a:not(:hover):not(.button){ color: $bright; } $id_css .entry, $id_css .post-excerpt, $id_css .post-meta, $id_css .day-month, $id_css .post-meta a:not(:hover){ color: $bright !important; opacity: 0.9; } $id_css.first-post-gradient .posts-items li:first-child a:not(:hover), $id_css.first-post-gradient li:first-child .post-meta{ color: #ffffff !important; } $id_css .slider-arrow-nav a, $id_css .pages-nav .pages-numbers a, $id_css .show-more-button{ border-color: $darker; } "; // Block Style 1 if( $block_style == 1 ){ $block_css .= " .block-head-1 $id_css .the-global-title{ border-color: $darker; } "; } // Tabs if( $block['style'] == 'tabs' ){ $block_css .= " $id_css.tabs-box, $id_css.tabs-box .tabs .active > a{ background-color: $color; } $id_css.tabs-box .tabs a{ background-color: $darker; } $id_css.tabs-box .tabs{ border-color: $darker; } $id_css.tabs-box .tabs a, $id_css.tabs-box .flexMenu-popup, $id_css.tabs-box .flexMenu-popup li a{ border-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.1); } "; if( tie_get_option( 'boxes_style' ) == 2 ){ $block_css .= " $id_css .tab-content{ padding: 0; } "; } } /* Breaking */ elseif( $block['style'] == 'breaking' ){ $block_css .= " $id_css .breaking, $id_css .ticker-content, $id_css .ticker-swipe{ background-color: $darker; } "; } /* Timeline */ elseif( $block['style'] == 'timeline' ){ $block_css .= " $id_css.timeline-box .posts-items:last-of-type:after{ background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, $darker 0%, $color 80%); } $id_css .year-month, $id_css .day-month:before, $id_css.timeline-box .posts-items:before{ background-color: $darker; } $id_css .year-month{ color: $bright; } $id_css .day-month:before{ border-color: $color; } "; } /* Custom Contents */ elseif( $block['style'] == 'code' || $block['style'] == 'code_50' ){ $block_css .= " $id_css .tabs.tabs .active > a{ background-color: $darker; border-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.1); } "; } /* Scrolling */ elseif( $block['style'] == 'scroll' || $block['style'] == 'scroll_2' ){ $block_css .= " $id_css .tie-slick-dots li:not(.slick-active) button{ background-color: $darker; } "; } return $block_css; } } /* * Set Custom color for the blocks */ if( ! function_exists( 'jannah_block_custom_color' ) ) { add_filter( 'TieLabs/CSS/Builder/block_style', 'jannah_block_custom_color', 10, 6 ); function jannah_block_custom_color( $block_css, $id_css, $block, $color, $bright, $darker ){ // Default Blocks Head Style $block_style = tie_get_option( 'blocks_style', 1 ); // General Custom block CSS code $block_css = " $id_css .mag-box-filter-links a.active, $id_css .mag-box-filter-links .flexMenu-viewMore:hover > a, $id_css .stars-rating-active, $id_css .tabs.tabs .active > a, $id_css .spinner-circle:after, $id_css .video-play-icon, $id_css .pages-nav li a:hover, $id_css .show-more-button:hover, $id_css .entry a, $id_css.woocommerce ins{ color: $color; } $id_css a:hover, $id_css .entry a:hover{ color: $darker; } $id_css .spinner > div, $id_css .tie-slick-dots li.slick-active button, $id_css li.current span, $id_css .tie-slick-dots li.slick-active button, $id_css .tie-slick-dots li button:hover{ background-color: $color; } $id_css .digital-rating-static, $id_css .mag-box-filter-links a:hover, $id_css .slider-arrow-nav a:not(.pagination-disabled):hover, $id_css .playlist-title, $id_css .breaking-title:before, $id_css .breaking-news-nav li:hover, $id_css .post-cat, $id_css .tie-slider-nav li > span:hover, $id_css .button{ background-color: $color; color: $bright; } $id_css a.post-cat:hover, $id_css .button:hover{ background-color: $darker; color: $bright; } $id_css .entry a.button{ color: $bright; } $id_css .circle_bar{ stroke: $color; } $id_css .slider-arrow-nav a:not(.pagination-disabled):hover, $id_css li.current span, $id_css .breaking-news-nav li:hover{ border-color: $color; } "; /* Style #1 OR 2 Or 3 */ if( $block_style <= 3 ){ $block_css .= " $id_css .mag-box-title h3 a, $id_css .block-more-button{ color: $color; } $id_css .mag-box-title h3 a:hover, $id_css .block-more-button:hover{ color: $darker; } "; if( $block_style == 1 ){ $block_css .= " $id_css .mag-box-title{ color: $color; } $id_css .mag-box-title:before { border-top-color: $color; } $id_css .mag-box-title:after{ background-color: $color; } "; } /* Style #2 */ elseif( $block_style == 2 ){ $block_css .= " $id_css .mag-box-title{ border-color: $color; color: $color; } "; } /* Style #3 */ elseif( $block_style == 3 ){ $block_css .= " $id_css .mag-box-title{ color: $color; } $id_css .mag-box-title:after{ background-color: $color; } "; } } /* Style #4 || #5 || #6 */ elseif( $block_style == 4 || $block_style == 5 || $block_style == 6 ){ $block_css .= " $id_css .mag-box-title h3, $id_css .mag-box-title h3 a{ color: $bright; } $id_css .mag-box-title h3:before{ background-color: $color; } $id_css .block-more-button{ color: $color; } $id_css .block-more-button:hover{ color: $darker; } "; /* Style #4 || #5 || #6 && Magazine 2 && Block Style == Tabs */ if( tie_get_option( 'boxes_style' ) == 2 && ( ! empty( $block['style'] ) && $block['style'] == 'tabs' ) ) { $block_css .= " $id_css .tabs, $id_css .tabs .flexMenu-popup{ border-color: $color; } $id_css .tabs li a{ color: $color; } $id_css .tabs li a:hover{ color: $darker; } $id_css .tabs.tabs li.active > a{ color: $bright; background-color: $color; } "; } /* Style #5 && Magazine 2 */ if( ( $block_style == 5 || $block_style == 6 ) && tie_get_option( 'boxes_style' ) == 2 ){ $block_css .= " $id_css .tabs > .active a:before, $id_css .tabs > .active a:after{ background-color: $color; } "; } /* Style #6 */ if( $block_style == 6 ){ $block_css .= " $id_css .mag-box-title h3:after{ background-color: $color; } "; } // #style 6 } // #4 || #5 || #6 /* Style #7 */ elseif( $block_style == 7 ){ $block_css .= " $id_css .mag-box-title{ color: $bright; background-color: $color; } $id_css .mag-box-filter-links > li > a, $id_css .mag-box-title h3 a, $id_css .mag-box-title a.block-more-button{ color: $bright; } $id_css .flexMenu-viewMore:hover > a{ color: $color; } $id_css .mag-box-filter-links > li > a:hover, $id_css .mag-box-filter-links li > a.active{ background-color: $bright; color: $color; } $id_css .slider-arrow-nav a{ border-color: rgba($bright ,0.2); color: $bright; } $id_css .mag-box-title a.pagination-disabled, $id_css .mag-box-title a.pagination-disabled:hover{ color: $bright !important; } $id_css .slider-arrow-nav a:not(.pagination-disabled):hover{ background-color: $bright; border-color: $bright; color: $color; } "; } /* Style #8 */ elseif( $block_style == 8 ){ $block_css .= " $id_css .mag-box-title:before{ background-color: $color; } "; } /* Style #10 */ elseif( $block_style == 10 ) { $block_css .= " $id_css .mag-box-title h3:after{ background-color: $color; } "; } /* Style #11 */ elseif( $block_style == 11 ) { $direction = is_rtl() ? 'right' : 'left'; $block_css .= " $id_css .mag-box-title h3:after{ border-$direction-color: $color; } "; } return $block_css; } } /** * Default Theme fonts sections */ if( ! function_exists( 'jannah_fonts_sections' ) ) { add_filter( 'TieLabs/fonts_sections_array', 'jannah_fonts_sections' ); function jannah_fonts_sections(){ $fonts_sections = array( 'body' => 'body', 'headings' => '.logo-text, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, .the-subtitle', 'menu' => '#main-nav .main-menu > ul > li > a', 'blockquote' => 'blockquote p', ); return apply_filters( 'Jannah/fonts_default_sections_array', $fonts_sections ); } } /** * Default Theme Typography Elements */ if( ! function_exists( 'jannah_typography_elements' ) ) { add_filter( 'TieLabs/typography_elements', 'jannah_typography_elements' ); function jannah_typography_elements(){ # Custom size, line height, weight, captelization $text_sections = array( 'body' => 'body', 'site_title' => '#logo.text-logo .logo-text', 'top_menu' => '#top-nav .top-menu > ul > li > a', 'top_menu_sub' => '#top-nav .top-menu > ul ul li a', 'main_nav' => '#main-nav .main-menu > ul > li > a', 'main_nav_sub' => '#main-nav .main-menu > ul ul li a', 'mobile_menu' => '#mobile-menu li a', 'breaking_news' => '.breaking .breaking-title', 'breaking_news_posts' => '.ticker-wrapper .ticker-content', 'buttons' => 'body .button,body [type="submit"]', // body > override Sari3 'breadcrumbs' => '#breadcrumb', 'post_cat_label' => '.post-cat', 'single_post_title' => '.entry-header h1.entry-title', 'single_archive_title' => 'h1.page-title', 'post_entry' => '#the-post .entry-content, #the-post .entry-content p', 'comment_text' => '.comment-list .comment-body p', 'blockquote' => '#the-post .entry-content blockquote, #the-post .entry-content blockquote p', 'boxes_title' => '#tie-wrapper .mag-box-title h3', 'page_404_main_title' => array( 'min-width: 992px' => '.container-404 h2' ), 'page_404_sec_title' => array( 'min-width: 992px' => '.container-404 h3' ), 'page_404_description' => array( 'min-width: 992px' => '.container-404 h4' ), 'sections_title_default' => array( 'min-width: 768px' => '.section-title.section-title-default, .section-title-centered', ), 'sections_title_big' => array( 'min-width: 768px' => '.section-title-big', ), 'copyright' => '#tie-wrapper .copyright-text', 'footer_widgets_title' => '#footer .widget-title .the-subtitle', 'post_heading_h1' => '.entry h1', 'post_heading_h2' => '.entry h2', 'post_heading_h3' => '.entry h3', 'post_heading_h4' => '.entry h4', 'post_heading_h5' => '.entry h5', 'post_heading_h6' => '.entry h6', 'widgets_title' => ' #tie-wrapper .widget-title .the-subtitle, #tie-wrapper #comments-title, #tie-wrapper .comment-reply-title, #tie-wrapper .woocommerce-tabs .panel h2, #tie-wrapper .related.products h2, #tie-wrapper #bbpress-forums #new-post > fieldset.bbp-form > legend, #tie-wrapper .entry-content .review-box-header', 'widgets_post_title' => ' .post-widget-body .post-title, .timeline-widget ul li h3, .posts-list-half-posts li .post-title ', // Blocks Typography Options 'post_title_blocks' => ' #tie-wrapper .media-page-layout .thumb-title, #tie-wrapper .mag-box.full-width-img-news-box .posts-items>li .post-title, #tie-wrapper .miscellaneous-box .posts-items>li:first-child .post-title, #tie-wrapper .big-thumb-left-box .posts-items li:first-child .post-title', 'post_medium_title_blocks' => ' #tie-wrapper .mag-box.wide-post-box .posts-items>li:nth-child(n) .post-title, #tie-wrapper .mag-box.big-post-left-box li:first-child .post-title, #tie-wrapper .mag-box.big-post-top-box li:first-child .post-title, #tie-wrapper .mag-box.half-box li:first-child .post-title, #tie-wrapper .mag-box.big-posts-box .posts-items>li:nth-child(n) .post-title, #tie-wrapper .mag-box.mini-posts-box .posts-items>li:nth-child(n) .post-title, #tie-wrapper .mag-box.latest-poroducts-box .products .product h2', 'post_small_title_blocks' => ' #tie-wrapper .mag-box.big-post-left-box li:not(:first-child) .post-title, #tie-wrapper .mag-box.big-post-top-box li:not(:first-child) .post-title, #tie-wrapper .mag-box.half-box li:not(:first-child) .post-title, #tie-wrapper .mag-box.big-thumb-left-box li:not(:first-child) .post-title, #tie-wrapper .mag-box.scrolling-box .slide .post-title, #tie-wrapper .mag-box.miscellaneous-box li:not(:first-child) .post-title', // Sliders Typography Options 'post_title_sliders' => array( 'min-width: 992px' => ' .full-width .fullwidth-slider-wrapper .thumb-overlay .thumb-content .thumb-title, .full-width .wide-next-prev-slider-wrapper .thumb-overlay .thumb-content .thumb-title, .full-width .wide-slider-with-navfor-wrapper .thumb-overlay .thumb-content .thumb-title, .full-width .boxed-slider-wrapper .thumb-overlay .thumb-title', ), 'post_medium_title_sliders' => array( 'min-width: 992px' => ' .has-sidebar .fullwidth-slider-wrapper .thumb-overlay .thumb-content .thumb-title, .has-sidebar .wide-next-prev-slider-wrapper .thumb-overlay .thumb-content .thumb-title, .has-sidebar .wide-slider-with-navfor-wrapper .thumb-overlay .thumb-content .thumb-title, .has-sidebar .boxed-slider-wrapper .thumb-overlay .thumb-title', 'min-width: 768px' => ' #tie-wrapper .main-slider.grid-3-slides .slide .grid-item:nth-child(1) .thumb-title, #tie-wrapper .main-slider.grid-5-first-big .slide .grid-item:nth-child(1) .thumb-title, #tie-wrapper .main-slider.grid-5-big-centerd .slide .grid-item:nth-child(1) .thumb-title, #tie-wrapper .main-slider.grid-4-big-first-half-second .slide .grid-item:nth-child(1) .thumb-title, #tie-wrapper .main-slider.grid-2-big .thumb-overlay .thumb-title, #tie-wrapper .wide-slider-three-slids-wrapper .thumb-title', ), 'post_small_title_sliders' => array( 'min-width: 768px' => ' #tie-wrapper .boxed-slider-three-slides-wrapper .slide .thumb-title, #tie-wrapper .grid-3-slides .slide .grid-item:nth-child(n+2) .thumb-title, #tie-wrapper .grid-5-first-big .slide .grid-item:nth-child(n+2) .thumb-title, #tie-wrapper .grid-5-big-centerd .slide .grid-item:nth-child(n+2) .thumb-title, #tie-wrapper .grid-4-big-first-half-second .slide .grid-item:nth-child(n+2) .thumb-title, #tie-wrapper .grid-5-in-rows .grid-item:nth-child(n) .thumb-overlay .thumb-title, #tie-wrapper .main-slider.grid-4-slides .thumb-overlay .thumb-title, #tie-wrapper .grid-6-slides .thumb-overlay .thumb-title, #tie-wrapper .boxed-four-taller-slider .slide .thumb-title', ), ); return apply_filters( 'Jannah/typography_default_elements_array', $text_sections ); } }